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Thursday, October 10, 2013

I know the first rule in having a blog, is to write in it.  It has been so long and I could have written but like an old friend I would love to hear from  until we all snug in like bears in the winter.  But, I cannot forget the fall!  Fall has always been my favorite season.  Not that Christmas is diminished at all in my heart.  But, with fall it is the physical surroundings that tug at my heart.  this year we had a long spring, a bit of a cooler summer than usual (except for a couple of heat-waves, here in New England that is 3 days of 90 degree heat. )  Now fall had decided to give off it's sparkle a bit early, well actually I think it will be

Spent loads of time on the patio (our second living room) which most nights I will find my husband out there reading.  Even now as we loose about 1 and half minutes  of daylight and the kidding phrase of our youth "you need to be in by the time the street lights come on.  He looks at me and flashes his I pad toward me and smiles that smile that is both mischievous and evil at the same time.  I can't really complain, he is a pretty special guy and cooks more often than ever.  Oh, that is right I have not shared the biggest news of the spring, summer, fall .

When I showed up at my orthopedic doctors for shots in my malformed shoulders.  It had been months of not really sleeping and if I was to go to go to bed I would wake up with these sneak attacks.....I must stop now because I am literally falling asleep into the keyboards.  Forgive me  I will follow up quickly.... until next time